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Largymore Primary School Lisburn

Year 7

Welcome to P7!

Mrs Little is the class teacher and Mrs McCabe and Miss Hanna are our classroom assistants.

In P7 we are getting ready to move on from primary school and are beginning to prepare for secondary school. We are trying to become independent learners,  and organise  our work, time, and possessions as best we can.

P7 is a challenging year but we also have lots of fun. We explore the world around us through topics such as Victorian Britain, Irish potato famine, Titanic and Rain forests.

In our Victorian Topic we have a school trip to the Irish Linen Museum. We also have lots of fun activities in the classroom for our Victorian topic, including making a model of a Victorian invention, making a model of a Victorian house and taking part in a Victorian School Day. 

In our Titanic topic we have lots of great learning about the events surrounding the sinking of the Titanic. We will be building a model titanic and performing an assembly about the passengers of the titanic. Each P7 student will be a different character from the titanic using real people’s stories. 

In P7 we get to explore and participate in various sports including basketball, netball, boxing, swimming, and football.

We annually take part in a 4 day residential to Delamont outdoor education centre, as well as engaging in many outings in our local area. We love to invite visitors into our classroom and are keen to donate our time to many community projects.



24th May 2024
This year we had a fabulous Sports Day, which was held at Barbour Playing Fields....
21st May 2024
Our KS2 classes performed in our school show “A-la-la-la-la-laddin”....
23rd Apr 2024
P7 has a great week on their residential. We went to Delamont Country Park and stayed...
20th Mar 2024
We were honoured to welcome local author Tim Bailie to our school today. He shared...

Class Photograph



Mrs K Little
Mrs K Little

P7 Teacher

Miss R Hanna
Miss R Hanna

Classroom Assistant

Mrs A McCabe
Mrs A McCabe

Classroom Assistant 


