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Largymore Primary School Lisburn


2018/2019 School Year

24th Oct 2018
We had a visit today for Sam, who is a Paramedic. We learnt lots about his important...
18th Oct 2018
We were very excited to have two of our local Police Officers visit P1.  ...
18th Oct 2018
Karen, our "Lollipop Lady", called in to teach us how to cross the road to and from...
12th Oct 2018
The Jesus and Me afterschools club has got off to a great start! We had visits from...
11th Oct 2018
We are learning about People Who Help Us. We were visited by some Fire Fighters...
10th Oct 2018
Today P2 went on an Autumn walk.  We found lots of Autumn items to take back...
9th Oct 2018
The Gardening Club had great fun today gathering their produce from the vegetable...
9th Oct 2018
P6 have been learning how to respond to problems with a positive attitude. We’ve...
6th Oct 2018
We are delighted to announce our new eco team for 2018/19. What an exciting year...
5th Oct 2018
We had a great assembly today from Pastor Serb on the value of old things. We learnt...