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Largymore Primary School Lisburn

News - Year 4

2020/2021 School Year

19th Aug 2020
Please look at this story with your child. P1-7

2019/2020 School Year

30th Jun 2020
Signing off for the summer! A goodbye from all of us! See you all soon!
25th Jun 2020
This week we are simply asking you to be aware of road safety issues concerning...
28th May 2020
We have added some new links to give you fresh ideas! 3 free books for a bedtime...
28th May 2020
Hi there. I hope you are enjoying the sunny weather! A wee change for some ideas...
25th May 2020
I am sure, like me, you are glad of the break from the teacher learning timetable...
21st May 2020
If you are missing our school assembly on a Thursday morning the link below will...
14th May 2020
As Part of P4's remote learning on bugs, birds and beasts, they were given a design...
22nd Apr 2020
For free phonics games and spelling activities follow the link below:
16th Apr 2020
Fill up a sink/bath to try Floating and Sinking Experiment. Another Scavenger Hunt...